Vichy Springs Resort | Ukiah, CA

Vichy Trails

Vichy Springs Resort | Ukiah, CA
Vichy Springs Resort offers vast private acreage to enjoy the beauty of nature. Vichy Springs has over 700 acres of pristine hiking trails for your enjoyment. As you wander the property you will be treated to nature at its loveliest including a year ‘round stream and waterfall, glimpses of animal life found in Northern California and, in spring, one of the most spectacular wildflower displays in the region. Wander through the untouched foothills and commune with nature. Five main trails are available for your enjoyment to explore Vichy Springs’ countryside on your own.

Chemisal Falls

The Chemisal Waterfall trail is a 30–40-minute (each way) hike along Little Grizzly Creek. As you trek along and cross the creek several times, keep your eye out for a variety of wildflowers, myrtle (bay laurel), horse tail, maple, fir, and wild grape. As you reach the 40-foot falls, refresh yourself under the ferns that are kept green from daily baths of mist in spring and early summer and take a cool dip in the small pool at the base of the falls.

Vista Point

The Vista Point Trail is a gorgeous 30 minute (each way) hike through the oak, madrone, fir and pine forested canyon and up and along the mountain ridge. Wildflowers and deer abound on the trek. The trail rises steeply (800 feet) above the valley floor leading to the first bench. A perfect hike for early morning or sunset. The vista point offers a breath-taking panoramic view of the valley below. For aggressive hikers there is as second bench ½ hour further and another 800 feet uphill that affords even more spectacular views of Lake Mendocino and the Ukiah Valley.

Cinnabar Mine

The Cinnabar Mine trail is 60-90 minutes (each way) and runs through beautiful oak forests and meadows and up through a fir, California nutmeg and madrone forest to the mine. An aggressive trail, the Cinnabar Mine Trail allows one to explore the once operational mercury mine and the smelter along the trail just before arriving at the mine. Bring water and a lunch or snack and enjoy a great day’s hike. The view from the bench where the mine is located is beautiful and there is a bench located there.

Loop Trail

The Loop Trail is an easy and brisk 20-minute walk. Beginning along the same path as the Vista Point Trail, the Loop Trail follows along the property boundary and loops back along Little Grizzly Creek and to the resort itself.

Pond Creek Trail

The Pond Creek Trail is an enjoyable 20-minute stroll around a beautiful pond and then above Little Grizzly Creek. This path is great for an early morning or after dinner stroll.

* Hike at your own risk. Please wear safe hiking shoes and beware of Poison Oak and reptiles in the summer.

Franciscan and Vichy Springs Resort | Ukiah, CA

Call 707-462-9515 to book your stay. Vichy Springs is open for hotel stays and day use. We look forward to welcoming you.